Are you looking to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam? Then you need the AWS Certified Developer Associates DVA-C01 Exam Preparation App. This app is packed with everything you need to pass the exam, including practice exams, quizzes, mock exams, flash cards, cheat sheets, and more.
The app covers all the topics you need to know for the exam, including Development With AWS, Deployment, Security, Monitoring, Troubleshooting, Refactoring. You’ll be well-prepared to ace the exam with this app by your side.
Plus, you’ll get access to AWS recommended security best practices, FAQs, cheat sheets, and more. And with our score tracker and countdown timer, you can track your progress and stay on schedule. Best of all, our app is multilingual, so you can prepare in your native language.
Thousands of satisfied customers have passed the DVA-C01 exam with our app.
This blog is about the AWS Developer Certification Exam Prep App: Developer Associate Exam Prep, Mock Exams, Quizzes, Tips to succeed in the AWS Developer Certification Exam.
This AWS Cloud Training App provides tools and features essentials to prepare and succeed in the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam:
- 3 Mock Exams,
- 4 Quizzes (30+ Questions per Quiz),
- Score card for quizzes and mock exams
- Score Tracker,
- Detailed Answers and Reference for each Question
- Countdown timer,
- Questions and Answers for Development With AWS, Deployment, Monitoring, Troubleshooting, Refactoring.
AWS Developer Certification Exam Prep App Preview Videos:
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The AWS Developer Certification Exam Prep App is available for all platforms and in most app stores worldwide:
AWS Developer Associates PRO version with mock exam iOs:
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AWS Developer Certification Exam Prep App Content:
The App covers the following topics:
- LAMBDA: [10-15% of Exam]Invocation types, Using notifications and event source mappings, Concurrency and throttling, X-Ray and Amazon SQS DLQs, Versions and aliases, Blue/green deployment, Packaging and deployment, VPC connections (with Internet/NAT GW), Lambda as ELB target, Dependencies, Environment variables (inc. encrypting them)
AWS topics for DVA-C01
- DYNAMODB: [10-12% of Exam]Scans vs queries (and the APIs, parameters you can use), Local and Global Secondary indexes, Calculating Read Capacity Units (RCUs) and Write, Capacity Units (WCUs), Performance / optimization best practices, Use cases (e.g. session state, key/value data store, scalability), DynamoDB Streams, Use in serverless app with Lambda and API Gateway, DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) use cases
AWS topics for DVA-C01: DynamoDB
- API GATEWAY: [8-10% of Exam] Lambda / IAM / Cognito authorizers, Invalidation of cache, Integration types: proxy vs custom / AWS vs HTTP, Caching, Import / export OpenAPI Swagger specifications, Stage variables, Performance metrics,
AWS topics for DVA-C01: API Gateway
- COGNITO: [7-8% of Exam] User pools vs Identity pools, Unauthenticated identities, AWS Cognito Sync, Using MFA with Cognito, Web identity federation,
AWS topics for DVA-C01: COGNITO
- S3: [7-8% of Exam]Encryption – make sure you understand S3 encryption very well for the exam, S3 Transfer Acceleration, Versioning, Copying data, Lifecycle rules,
AWS topics for DVA-C01
- IAM: IAM policies and roles, Cross account access, Multi-factor authentication (MFA), API calls, IAM Roles with EC2 (instance profiles), Access keys vs roles, IAM best practices, Federation,
AWS topics for DVA-C01: IAM
- ECS: Shared storage between containers, Single vs multi-docker environments, Uploading / downloading images with ECR, Placement strategies (e.g. spread, binpack, random etc.), Port mappings, Defining task definitions, IAM Roles for Tasks,
AWS topics for DVA-C01: ECS
- ELASTIC BEANSTALK: Deployment policies and blue/green, .ebextensions and config file usage, Updating deployments, Worker vs web tier, Deployment, packaging and files, code, commands used, Use cases,
- CLOUDFORMATION: CloudFormation template anatomy (e.g. mappings, outputs, parameters, etc.), Packaging and deployment including commands used, AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM),
AWS topics for DVA-C01
- CLOUDWATCH: Monitoring application logs, Trigger scheduled Lambda invocation, Custom metrics, Metric resolution,
- DEVELOPER TOOLS – CODECOMMIT, CODEBUILD, CODEDEPLOY, CODEPIPELINE, CODESTAR, Know how each tool fits into the CI/CD pipeline, Various files used such as appspec.yml, buildspec.yml etc., Process for packaging and deployment, Deployment types with CodeDeploy including different , destination services (e.g. Lambda, ECS, EC2), Manual approvals with CodePipeline,
- CLOUDFRONT: Viewer vs origin protocol policies, Lambda@Edge, Invalidate cache, Signed URLs / cookies: AWS topics for DVA-C01: AMAZON CLOUDFRONT
- AWS X-RAY: X-Ray daemon, installing and configuring, Lambda with X-Ray, Use cases / benefits, Inclusion in Elastic Beanstalk environment, Annotations vs segments vs subsegments vs metadata, API calls, Port used (UDP 2000),
AWS topics for DVA-C01: X-RAYS
Standard queues, FIFO, DLQ, delay queue, Decoupling applications use cases, Event source mapping to Lambda, Visibility timeout, Short polling vs long polling,
AWS topics for DVA-C01: SQS
Use cases (caching and session state), In-memory data store, Services it sits in front of (e.g. Amazon RDS), Comparison against DynamoDB DAX, Lazy loading vs Write Through Caching, Memcached vs Redis,
- STEP FUNCTIONS: Step Functions state machines, Using to coordinate multiple Lambda function invocations
- SSM PARAMETER STORE: Storing credentials, Rotation (application needs to do it) – comparison with secrets manager (which handles rotation automatically),
- Know what instance types can be launched from which types of AMIs, and which instance types require an HVM AMI
- Have a good understanding of how Route53 supports all of the different DNS record types, and when you would use certain ones over others.
Route 53 supports all of the different DNS record types
- Know which services have native encryption at rest within the region, and which do not.
AWS Services with native Encryption at rest
- Kinesis Sharding:
#AWS Kinesis Sharding
- Handling SSL Certificates in ELB ( Wildcard certificate vs SNI )
#AWS Handling SSL Certificates in ELB ( Wildcard certificate vs SNI )
- Understand some basic code samples such as JSON code, config files, and IAM policy documents: Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), AWS KMS, Amazon CloudTrail, AWS Organizations, Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF), and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Load Balancing, DynamoDB, EBS, Multi-AZ RDS, Aurora, EFS, DynamoDB, NLB, ALB, Aurora, Auto Scalling, DynamoDB(latency), Aurora(performance), Multi-AZ RDS(high availability), Throughput Optimized EBS (highly sequential), Read the quizlet note cards here
AWS topics for DVA-C01
- Different types of Aurora Endpoints
#AWS Different types of Aurora Endpoints
- The Default Termination Policy for Auto Scaling Group (Oldest launch configuration vs Instance Protection)
#AWS Default Termination Policy for Auto Scaling Group
- Use AWS Cheatsheets – I also found the cheatsheets provided by Tutorials Dojo very helpful. In my opinion, it is better than Jayendrapatil Patil’s blog since it contains more updated information that complements your review notes.
#AWS Cheat Sheet
- Do not rush into completing the videos. Take your time and hone the basics. Focus and spend a lot of time for the back bone of AWS infrastructure – Compute/EC2 section, Storage (S3/EBS/EFS), Networking (Route 53/Load Balancers), RDS, VPC, Route 3. These sections are vast, with lot of concepts to go over and have loads to learn. Trust me you will need to thoroughly understand each one of them to ensure you pass the certification comfortably.
#AWS Exam Prep Video - Make sure you go through resources section and also AWS documentation for each components. Go over FAQs. If you have a question, please post it in the community. Trust me, each answer here helps you understand more about AWS.
#AWS Faqs
- Like any other product/service, each AWS offering has a different flavor. I will take an example of EC2 (Spot/Reserved/Dedicated/On Demand etc.). Make sure you understand what they are, what are the pros/cons of each of these flavors. Applies for all other offerings too.
#AWS Services
What is the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam?
The AWS Certified Developer – Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a development role and have one or more years of hands-on experience developing and maintaining an AWS-based application. It validates an examinee’s ability to:
Demonstrate an understanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practicesDemonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWS
Other AWS Developer Certification Exam Preparation Resources:
- AWS S3 facts and summaries and Q&A Dump
- AWS DynamoDB facts and summaries and Questions and Answers Dump
- AWS EC2 facts and summaries and Questions and Answers Dump
- AWS Serverless facts and summaries and Questions and Answers Dump
- AWS Developer and Deployment Theory facts and summaries and Questions and Answers Dump
- AWS IAM facts and summaries and Questions and Answers Dump
- AWS vs Azure vs Google
- Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing
- Cloud Customer Insurance – Cloud Provider Insurance – Cyber Insurance
Additional Information for reference
Below are some useful reference links that would help you to learn about AWS Practitioner Exam.
- AWS certified Developer Associates
- certification faqs
- AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam Prep Dumps
AWS Developer Associate Exam Whitepapers:
AWS has provided whitepapers to help you understand the technical concepts. Below are the recommended whitepapers.
Online Training and Labs for AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam
AWS Certified Developer Associate Jobs
Note and disclaimer: We are not affiliated with AWS or Amazon or Microsoft or Google. The questions are put together based on the certification study guide and materials available online. The questions in this app should help you pass the exam but it is not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any exam you did not pass.
Important: To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers in this app. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.