I- Solutions:
- Build and deploy IT infrastructure as code in AWS (Windows and Linux Servers)
- Continuous integration and build management servers installation, configuration and maintenance on on-Premise Servers and cloud.
- Deploy Automation servers installation, configuration and maintenance on on-Premise Servers and cloud.
- Shopify Store Design and Setup: Rare Inexpensive Items Canada
Contact us at here to learn more. - PWA, IOS and Android App development (Djamga, ShowUpAndPlaySports, AWS Cloud Exam Practitioner Exam Prep, inRealTimeNow, inRealTimeJobs, etc…)
II- Consulting
- DevOps Engineering at Various Oil and Gas Companies in Calgary.
- Web Development and Support at ShowUpAndPlay.
- Web content development of OLSYJEN
- Web development of inRealTimeNow.com App (Web App that aggregates latest News, Jobs and useful information feeds for cities around the world in real time)
III- Mobile App Development
[appbox appstore 1501104845][appbox googleplay com.awscloudpractitonerexampreppro.enoumen][appbox appstore 1501465417][appbox googleplay com.awssolutionarchitectassociateexampreppro.app][appbox appstore 1506519319][appbox googleplay com.awscertdevassociateexampreppro.enoumen]Past:
- System Administration and Infrastructure Architecture consulting at IBM Canada.
- Application Support Consulting at Cenovus Energy
- Software Release Engineering at Critical Mass